It all started when Rotarians Mark Von Hoetzendorff and wife Robin were taking their usual morning walk. They noticed that one of the yards they passed by had seriously deteriorated in the past two years. They learned from neighbors that the owner had significant health problems and was no longer able to maintain the yard. This seemed like a good project for the Rotary Club, so Mark proposed it to Club President Damian Bruno and the Board.

Rotarian Danielle Giann called on the resident and learned that the owner was a retired fireman, policeman, pilot, and hotshot fireman. He has MS and cancer and is wheelchair bound. He agreed to allowing the Rotarians to clean up the property.
The property had 10-12 trees. Some were dead (4) and others needed significant trimming. There was a lot of weed eating needed, bush trimming, dead plant removal and general garden pickup. Since the owner was a retired fire fighter, club members turned to the Fire Department to help with the trees. Taylor & Sons provided a huge dumpster at no charge. A neighbor, Carolyn Fisher, sent out a neighbor hood email, notifying those living nearby about the project. Many of the neighbors stopped by and joined the Rotarian and Fire Department volunteers.
The volunteers spent the whole day, Saturday, Nov. 2 weed whacking, raking, hauling and trimming. President Damian Bruno said, “Lots of sweat and scrapes were experienced by all who attended. However, I believe I speak for everyone who came out that the effort was well worth it!”
Yet a second dumpster is being donated and Saturday, Nov. 9 will be spent by volunteers to load that dumpster with the leftovers from the first Saturday’s work.