Rob gave us a year-end review of our Veterans' Raffle.  We will be giving a check for $10,000 to the VA in Prescott at our meeting on January 5th.  Be sure to join us for that award presentation!
Speaking of awards, Rob was our Veterans' Raffle MVP, earning an Above and Beyond pin.  He was assisted by Robert and Ernie, who each received a special Rotary Veterans' pin.  Thanks to all who participated and made this event a huge success.
Of special note, Phong's wife, Donna, won one of the raffle prizes!  This meant a lot to her and was a poignant ending to this year's fundraising drive.
We did some Monday afternoon quarterbacking after the raffle and celebrated our successes while finding areas for improvement.  Cathleen Banister-Marx joined us and enthusiastically appreciated the opportunity to review the event.  She offered her heartfelt thanks to the club for continuing her father's legacy.  Stay tuned for new updates to the raffle format for 2022-23!