Connecting the Generations, Sparking Joy and New Friendships

Seniors of two very different generations come together in the spirit of goodwill, to learn about each other and build friendships and mutual understanding. Our club's RRHS Interact Club hosts many activities at Sedona Winds, the local retirement community.  And whether its planting spring bulbs and serving fruit punch to the seniors, or DJ'ing and dancing with them at a Valentine's Day sock-hop, the young Interacters never tire of spending quality time with our local seniors.
According to the residents we spoke with, Sedona Winds is a high-quality, enjoyable place to live for those of a certain age, or those convalescing from an injury. There are various level of care. For more information about Sedona Winds, visit their website here.
To find out how you can get involved with enrichment activities for the Sedona Winds residents, email us at