Scholarships for Summer Camps for Sedona Students

Make new friends while doing fun, community service projects that benefit the Village and beyond - become a Rotarian! 

Visitors welcome!

Call 928-235-6008
Meeting First & Third Thursdays
at the Village Library
25 W. Saddlehorn, Sedona AZ
7:00 am  Coffee and Chat
7:30 am  Club Meeting
Club News
Village Rotary Club President Chuck Marr presented Tom Clark of Clark's Market with the "Village Business of the Year" Award, recognizing the company’s outstanding business standards and unwavering support of community nonprofit organizations. As CEO of Clark’s Market, Tom leads a family-owned independent grocery chain dedicated to quality, community, and sustainability. A committed Rotarian for 23 years, he served as President of the Rotary Club of Aspen in 2014. Clark’s Market supports over 100 nonprofits annually, including the Guatemala Literacy Project.
The mid January RYLA Camp in Prescott drew almost 130 students from throughout Arizona.  Our Verde Vally contingent of almost 30 gained individual and group leadership skills.  Join us at our next Club meeting (February 20) as four RYLA youth report on their life changing experiences.
Village Rotarians welcomed John Dwan, Chapter Chair of SCORE, Northern Arizona as he shared the successes of SCORE since its founding in the 1960s.  SCORE is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs and small business owners through volunteer mentoring and education. Since 1964, SCORE has provided expert guidance to over 11 million entrepreneurs, leveraging the nation's largest network of volunteer business mentors. The organization emphasizes entrepreneurial spirit and volunteerism, helping individuals succeed in their business endeavors.  John encouraged club members to consider becoming a SCORE mentor as well as recommending SCORE's free services to private and not for profit organizations.  
Charitable Fund
Use this button to make a donation to the Rotary Club of Sedona Village, to help fund our important community service initiatives.  
All funds paid through this link are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
We work with groups and organizations of all sizes to accomplish even more. Learn more about our Charitable Fund and how you or your organization can contribute.
Mailing Address
PO Box 21479
Sedona AZ 86341
For more info, email:
Coming Events
Club Facebook Link
Visit our Facebook page for more fun events and videos!