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Make new friends while doing fun, community service projects that benefit the Village and beyond - become a Rotarian! 

Visitors welcome!

Call 928-235-6008
Meeting First & Third Thursdays
at the Village Library
25 W. Saddlehorn, Sedona AZ
7:00 am  Coffee and Chat
7:30 am  Club Meeting
Club News
Thanks to the hospitality of Tracey & Gary Thie and the organizing talent of Carol Hess, your fellow Rotarians made Christmas happier for two local families.  
Our potluck, wrapping Holiday party brought good cheer, conversation and presents for five children and three adults in our area.
Rotary makes a difference thanks to remarkable Rotarians like you!
Happy Holidays!
Chuck Marr. President
"Make the Magic Happen"
 Rotarians Thank Our Veterans 
    As Veterans Day approaches, Village Rotarians, led by Rob Schaefer, will seek raffle donations for the 20th year of the Cornelius Veterans Hospital Benefit Raffle.  Over the years more than $250,000 has been raised for personal comfort items for Veterans Hospital Patients.  Another Rotary tradition is to honor Veterans living at Sedona Winds.  A special flag raising ceremony and entertainment will be held between 10 and 11 AM on November 11.  All are invited to join in this meaningful observance.  This week our Club members recognized fellow Rotarians Bob Burns, Rob Schaefer and Gary Thie for their service to the nation. 
Charitable Fund
Use this button to make a donation to the Rotary Club of Sedona Village, to help fund our important community service initiatives.  
All funds paid through this link are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
We work with groups and organizations of all sizes to accomplish even more. Learn more about our Charitable Fund and how you or your organization can contribute.
Mailing Address
PO Box 21479
Sedona AZ 86341
For more info, email: President@sedonavillagerotary.org
Coming Events
Club Facebook Link
Visit our Facebook page for more fun events and videos!